Friday Favorites


* Hunter Rain Boots – $150 @

* Bobbi Pins – $14 @

* Rain Jacket – Uniqlo (old) – other shades available

* Umbrella – $38 @

Friday Favorites

What to Pack

For those of you who travel for work, the importance if using versatile items is imparitive versus vacation traveling, where over packing is okay because your husband will lug your 3 50lb bags up the stairs for you.  So, I am passing on my work travel packing knowledge for all those new traveling career gals.  Without further delay, the packing list for a summer business trips.


So, most of my trips are 3-4 days and business by day/ casual by night.  As always, you want to fit ALL items, including lap top into 1 carry on bag.  This time around was more difficulty factoring in work out gear, because I usually don’t travel with it, but need to get healthier again, hence the additions.

1- Comfy travel cloths, that are light fabrics.  No bulky clothes…EVER!

2 – Acceptable casual clothing.  This includes jeans and a structured tee ( you have seen before).

3- Professional clothing.  The key here is to stay neutral, so you can reuse pieces multiple days.  I tend to like blacks, whites, nudes and greys.  I really appreciate a dress for the most formal of meetings, and it takes care of a whole outfit in one piece.  In addition for this trip I chose black Capri pants ( hello it’s HOT!), a black silky blouse, a white silky blouse and a black dress.  Silky blouses are my jam.  They don’t take up much space, they don’t wrinkle and they can double for casual wear.

4- Workout gear/ PJs.  These are one in the same for me, just add some sports bras.  Again, loose fitting and unstructured.  Remember…limited space.

5 – Shoes.  4 pairs. 1 sandel, 1flat, 1 heel and workout shoes.  Boom- done!

6- Accessories.    I have said it before and I’ll say it again, the rule of 5. No more than 5!  This time around I chose a structured bag (also my small personal item, which can accommodate a lap top, phone , 2 iPads( 1 work, 1 pleasure) , passport, planner and makeup.  Then…3 necklaces and a killer pair of sunglasses.

Below, is the daily outfit breakdown.


Hope this helps you traveling gals, and looking forward to the vacation packing list coming up soon! 🙂 Now, if I could only get my status on American Airlines!!